AIR EXHAUST CO., INC.: Over 500,000 FIRE FREE service calls and counting! CALL TODAY! 619/466-3904
THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT WASHING YOUR GREASE FILTERS IN HOUSE! It's a fact, the NUMBER ONE cause for kitchen employee injuries is the cumbersome removal and washing of the hood & duct system grease filters. The devastating increases that an employee injury wll put on your worker's compensation premiums can be as much as 100%. And then there's the all too frequent costly pumping of your grease trap. Think not? A soiled grease filter typically doubles it's weight once burdened with a grease load and the wash rinse from same will quickly choke the best of grease traps. Lastly, no dishwasher, no soak tank, no in house pressure washing can completely clean the defiant internal clogging of a grease filter. Without exception, our industrialized wash equipment and alkaline bathing is the wiser alternative.
JOIN THE 1,000's OF LOCAL RESTAURANTS now using our grease filter exchange service to the tune of over 2,000 clean filters every week!
Looking for a competent and reliable kitchen HOOD & DUCT service company? We invite you to consider our experience and credentials.
OUR HIGHLY TRAINED SERVICE REPS have a combined experience of over 100 YEARS in providing well over 500,000 FIRE FREE SERVICE CALLS for over 4,000 restaurants, hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, churches, schools, employee cafeterias and other food handling establishments throughout San Diego, Riverside and Imperial counties over the past 25 YEARS! Just as impressive, NOT ONE FIRE attributable to any negligence for our part!
UTILITY BILL BUSTING service of v-belts, filter media, and ROTOBRUSH return air duct cleaning. Eliminate the high cost of your HVAC filling the void of a dysfunctional make-up air unit. NO NEED for a HOT & SMOKEY kitchen, GREASE LADEN walls or ALLERGY RIDDEN CONTAMINANTS in the return air ducts.
CALL TODAY! 619/466-3904